
Child Sponsorship

Sponsoring a child allows them the opportunity to learn in a loving environment, and gives them hope for a brighter future.

The Child Sponsorship program began in 2014 when a young college graduate volunteered to be the first to sponsor a child from St. Catherine of Siena Nursery School. This generous act of kindness and love encouraged others to do the same.


By sponsoring a child, you will be allowing a needy child to discover the wonders of learning at St. Catherine's School. You will relieve their parents from the burden of paying the school fees and provide a child with two school uniforms. 


Annington is so proud to attend school!


Both boys and girls attend school here, which is sometimes uncommon in parts of the world.


There are currently two levels of sponsorship available: Pre-primary Student (K1-K3) and Primary Student (age P1-P4). If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please fill out the form below to receive more information.