The Give it up for Gulu 5K and Doggie Dash is held in the beginning of fall at the beautiful Rockford Park. The 100-year-old Rockford Tower is the centerpiece of this park. The historic stone water tower is located among rolling hills and vistas, offering beautiful views of the city. Rockford Park boasts large open spaces surrounded by beautiful wooded areas, making it the perfect spot for picnics, jogging, flying kites, playing ball, tennis, and hiking.

T-shirts are included with your registration for the 5K and a Doggie Treat Bag for 1 Mile Doggie Dash.  Post-race refreshments will include fresh apples, bananas and bagels.  

Great prizes donated by National and Local businesses will be awarded to the top three finishers in each 10 yr age category.  In honor of a good friend, Denise McFadden, a special prize will be awarded to the top female finisher in 50 yr category.