This outreach project began during the Lenten season of 2013. Students of St. Catherine of Siena's Religious Education Program in Wilmington, Delaware, were encouraged to give up their "treats" or "wants" in order to provide a means to help the people in the Archdiocese of Gulu.
With their sacrifices, 70 chickens and 25 goats were given in 2013 and 60 chickens and 20 goats in 2014. As the livestock multiplies, the offspring will be sold as extra income for the families. This extra income helps the families with the basic needs of life - food, medicine and education.
The St. Catherine's Empowerment Piggery Project began from the Lenten sacrifices made in 2015. See details of the Piggery Project in the drop down menu.
If you are interested in giving a goat or chicken to a family in need, please indicate on an email to Mary Gispert (see below). The average prices are as follows: Goat $45.00, Chicken $15.00, Pig $150.00.
If you would like to donate toward the Piggery Project, please indicate by email (see below).
2015 The first litter of piglets to begin the St. Catherine's Empowerment Piggery Project
2013 Children receiving goats to take home to their family
2014 This goat will be a big asset to this little boy's family
Donate a goat, chicken or pig
If you would like to donate an animal, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.