Rockford Park Wilmington, DE 9am Start Time 8am Pre-registration
A grass roots event restoring hope through education to a remote village in Northern Uganda.
The focus of this year's event is to raise funds which will allow the kindergarten children of St. Catherine of Siena Nursery School to continue their primary education at St. Catherine's. One classroom at a time.
This sixth year event takes place at the beautiful area of Rockford Park. The 100-year-old Rockford Tower is the centerpiece of this park. The historic stone water tower is located amid rolling hills and vistas offering beautiful views of the city.
The certified 5K course is challenging for the avid runner and enjoyable for the walkers and doggies as well! Yes, doggies are invited to walk or run with us.
Our event is noted for it's great prizes from national and local businesses, cash prizes for overall finishers, special award for 50-59 yr. ladies honoring Denise McFadden, free raffle, and more! T-shirts to the first 200 registered in all categories and treats for the doggies.
Gulu Beads, the hand crafted paper jewelry made by the Ruganga Lakica Bead Makers group in Uganda, will also be available.
Join us in changing the lives of these children and their community!
Only available to first 200 registrants!