#9Daysforlife - Day One

When I heard of the upcoming event, #9Daysforlife, I immediately thought of our cause to help the people in Uganda.  We are not just building a school, helping pay the children's school fees, selling paper beaded jewelry to help a women's group, giving gifts of livestock to the less fortunate, etc.  We are doing this because we respect life!  

I will post one picture a day during this #9Daysforlife event to show how we are respecting life.

#9Daysforlife speaks of creating a culture of life. St. Catherine of Siena Nursery School has given life to this remote part of our world. We here in the USA have shown love to people 7,000 miles away, those of whom we will never meet. This is a absolute sign of respect for life!

Mary Gispert1 Comment