Third Annual Give It Up For Gulu 5K and Doggie Dash

Fr. James Okello, Director of St. Catherine of Siena Nursery School, was gifted the opportunity to travel to the USA, and take part in this community building event which took place on September 26th at Rockford Park in Wilmington, Delaware. Many sacrificed their time, energy and money to partake in this event and the effects will be felt for the lifetime of the students of St. Catherine of Siena Nursery School in Uganda.

Fr. James stands proudly in front of St. Catherine's Nursery School (April 2015)

Fr. James stands proudly in front of St. Catherine's Nursery School (April 2015)

Give It Up For Gulu 5K Run/Walk and Doggie Dash, September 26, 2015

Thank you to all the sponsors, participants, volunteers and doggies who enabled this event to take St. Catherine's Nursery School to the next level of  growth!  You will not be forgotten by the families who are benefitting from your kindness!   Mary Gispert, Director of Give It Up For Gulu

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