Salesianum Freshman "Give It Up" for Gulu

Salesianum, an independent Catholic secondary school founded by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales in Wilmington, Delaware, has a goal to simply "Live Jesus".  Mr. Stephan Johnson's Catholic Salesian Identity (CSI) Class accepted "Give It Up For Gulu" as their Lenten outreach project. These young men are showing sure signs of Salesian gentleman and followers of St. Francis.  Each day during Lent, they have been making contributions to help the poor in Uganda. Their sacrifices will be applied to the initial fundraising efforts for a school van for St. Catherine of Siena Nursery School in Gulu, Uganda.   The children currently walk hours to get to school or travel on boda boda (motorcycle) or bicycle which present risk of injury.  They have an inspiring teacher who reminds them that "we need the poor" to get to heaven.  So proud of these young men and what their school represents.  #giveitupforgulu @salesianum @chris baretta @Fr Beretta


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